USD 109
Republic County Community Action Fund: $767.56
USD 109 FCS room at Republic County Junior/Senior High School needed a more functional work space for students. Students who are able to utilize a space and use it to learn culinary skills, such as a knife skill competition, can apply this to home or a job in the future. This project provided extra seats for students within the classroom to see the smartboard and extra space on tables to write.
The project included four stainless steel work tables for the FCS room. This created three uses for the tables and added functional work space to the kitchen/classroom area.
- The first use for the tables is to sit each one next to the sink area, facing the classroom area. A stool pulled up to each table provides four extra student desks. The student desks are needed since the extended seating to the sides of the room, makes it difficult to see the smartboard and be able to write on a hard surface.
- The second need for the tables, is to stack dirty dishes on when students are in a cooking lab. The sink sits flush with the edge of the countertops and there is not an extension of counter top to the one side of the sinks. Prior to these work tables, dirty dishes were sat on plastic chairs next to the sinks. When washing dishes the proper way, a spot is needed for dirty dishes, one side of the sink to wash the dishes, one side of sink to rinse and sanitize the dishes, and finally, a place in the drying rack.
- The third need for the stainless steel tables is to provide a demonstration table for students who are preparing a demonstration for the class. The castors on the legs make this easy to utilize and push around to an appropriate demo area. This will also be beneficial for classroom demonstrations for students from the teacher.
"The addition of the work tables have provided open floor space in the kitchen lab since the stools can be tucked underneath them when not being used as seating. When some parents were fixing food for a supper in the cafeteria they were able to cart the food and supplies through the halls much easier than bringing in another cart from somewhere in the school. The carts have added just enough extra counter space and people that walk in comment on how nice it looks." - Heather Dahl, Family & Consumer Science Teacher.