Clarence Goppert Family Scholarship

The Clarence Goppert Family Scholarship was established to provide assistance to students that have attended a high school in Republic County.

Minimum: $500

High School seniors qualified for graduation or a graduate of a high school in Republic County, KS.


  • Applicants must have attended a minimum of two years at a high school in Republic County, KS, and be in good standing qualifying for graduation or a graduate of a high school in Republic County, KS.
  • Applicants must either be enrolled or plan to enroll as a full-time student at an accredited post-secondary institution such as a trade school, vocational school, community college, or four-year college in Kansas.
  • Applicants planning to attend an accredited four-year post secondary institution must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Applicants planning to attend an accredited trade school, vocational, or community college must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Applicants must provide a resume that includes work experience, demonstration of citizenship and character, academic and extracurricular activities, and a short essay of their life outside the classroom and their goals.
  • In cases of equal merit, financial need will be a determining factor.

Scholarships are renewable up to three years if the student meets the following criteria:

  • Student must be enrolled at a full-time status.
  • Student must have a cumulative GPS of 2.5 or above (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Student must provide enrollment verification for the upcoming academic year.